Epic heroes are supposed to expose all of the valued traits in a society, and Odysseus, in Homer's The Odyssey, does just that. Odysseus is strong, hospitable, fair, and an eloquent speaker. However Homer makes Odysseus have not just one, but several flaws, including his hubris and lust. Odysseus is a very human epic hero.
The reason why Homer decided to make the most important character in his epic more fallible may link to accessibility of the story. The majority of the population is not as perfect as an epic hero, with wealth, and strength, and patience, and eloquence. In fact, the majority of the population is not even neutral in traits. The fact stands that most people, being human, have significant flaws. The flaws the Homer pointed out are only some of the ones the plague humanity. Lust, Arrogance, greed, the list goes on. This makes the epic more accessible is because not only do humans want someone to look up to, an idol, but they want a protagonist they can identify with. The reader feels less ashamed of his or her shortcomings because there is someone, a hero no less, that they can relate to.